Do after hours clinics near me offer after-hours or weekend availability?

Most after hour facilities are open well into the night and on the weekends. You can use our website to find the location most convenient for you. Make same or next day appointments or simply walk-in for immediate medical attention.

Are there After Hours Clinics Near Me with verified Google reviews?

Yes, our featured facilities have verified Google reviews. You can be confident verifying the credibility and satisfaction of each location you are interested in. You can even choose to book with providers that only have a 5-star rating. Confirmation of previous patient satisfaction is essential when booking online.

Will I be able to find a virtual consultation appointment?

Many featured acute care centers do offer virtual visits. But only minor injury and illness can be treated completely virtual. As well as prescription refill for certain medications and any medical advice that may be needed. If your provider believes you need to come in-office for proper treatment, you will be notified during your initial virtual evaluation.

>How can I use your website to make all my appointments online?

Manage your healthcare online and completely through our website. You can start by finding a convenient location in your area and verify that the facility you are interested has positive reviews and ratings. Book an appointment or walk-in to a location that has a 5-star Google review! Then you can book and manage all aspects of your healthcare completely online.

Can I get a COVID diagnostic test or vaccination at an after hours clinic in my area?

Most acute med centers do offer COVID diagnostic testing, and a few locations offer vaccinations. Most PCR testing is performed on asymptomatic individuals and the rapid test is usually performed on patients experiencing symptoms. You can be tested for a safe return to school, work, or travel or as a preventative measure if you have encountered a positive person or are experiencing symptoms yourself. Only select location offer vaccinations. But most locations can provide resources about the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccine.

If I test positive for Covid-19 can I be treated at a local medical center?

Most people who test positive for Covid-19 recover safely at home with mild to moderate symptoms with self-care techniques such as hydration, rest, and over the counter medications. Although you will not be treated at a local med center near you, they staff can have you tested so that you can safely quarantine and can also provide you with resources about Covid-19. Including self-care tactics, and troubling warning signs that may need emergency treatment. This includes trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cyanosis, or an extremely high fever.

Will I be able to get mental health treatment at an after-hours medical facility?

All medical professionals will help a patient who needs mental health care. Whether a provider can care for you themselves or refer you to a specialist, they can help you get the care you need and deserve. The most common forms of therapy for mental health patients includes but is not limited to:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is used to help people struggling with negative thoughts or are looking to break a bad habit. The practitioner will listen to a patient to gain understanding of their thoughts and behaviors. Once a pattern is confirmed the specialist will work to help the patient practice coping mechanisms and break habits that cause self-emotional harm
  • Psychodynamic – helps individuals focus on self-examination and self-awareness. It helps patients get to the root cause of relationship issues or any kind of suffering.
  • Humanistic- focuses on the persons day to day life based on the choices they make due to their view of the world. It helps people find their true self and acceptance.
  • Psychoanalytic- dives in the subconscious or unconscious thoughts of the individual. It is often used for people that have compulsions, phobias, or obsessions.
  • Integrative or holistic approach- it deals with deeper understanding of the spirt, body, and mind. It focuses on how one area of a person’s lifestyle can affect other decisions made.

Is there an acute care facility that will treat STIs?

All services whether they pertain to sexual issues, or any other concern are kept completely confidential between you and your provider. You test results, concerns, or sexual orientation will never be shared with anyone outside of your visit. Sexual med. Centers provide an array of services such as:

  • Contraception
  • Testing for STIs like gonorrhea, chlamydia, HPV, syphilis, and HIV
  • Pelvic exams
  • Cervical, breast, and prostate cancer screens
  • Vaccination for HPV and Hepatitis B
  • Abortion resources or referrals

When should I call 911 or go to the E.R. instead of a med center?

If you believe you are suffering from a life-threatening emergency go to your local emergency room or call 911 immediately. There are very many conditions which need emergency intervention from your local hospital. They include but are not limited to:

  • Altered mental state
  • Unconsciousness
  • Chest pain
  • Seizures
  • Bleeding during pregnancy or other pregnancy related issues
  • Poisoning
  • Major trauma
  • Shortness of breath
  • Electrocution
  • Choking
  • Chest pain

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This site is for general information purpose only. Doctor Near Me site do not provide any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any questions regarding medical health advise, diagnosis or treatment then please contact directly to your doctor or healthcare provider for specific medical needs.

In case of a medical emergency situation, dial 911 or visit your nearest emergency room urgently.